Our Team

Our management team is led by co-founders Will Bennett and Owen Ching. They began this program to teach robotics classes and decided to expand to give as many students the opportunity to take their courses and learn the basics of engineering. Will and Owen are backed by a well-rounded management team consisting of Keith Nare, Erik Dahlhaus, Tanna Curtis, Taro Zingg, Qipei Zhong, and Mia Hamant. With the help of our management team, our program continues to grow as we give as many kids as possible the opportunity to take our courses and learn valuable life skills as well as robotics and coding.

Click on our pictures to learn more about us!

Will Bennett

Will Bennett

Owen Ching

Owen Ching

Tanna Curtis

Tanna Curtis

Keith Nare

Keith Nare

Qipei Zhong

Qipei Zhong

Erik Dahlhaus

Erik Dahlhaus

Taro Zingg

Taro Zingg

Mia Hamant

Mia Hamant

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